Corporate and Commercial Law

Navigating Corporate Formation in Belize
There is a hint of bureaucracy layered into the formation of companies and other corporate entities. Our firm specializes in assisting both foreigners and locals in drafting the relevant incorporation documents for companies, partnerships, and charitable entities. Our firm will create company documents that accurately reflect the current and future needs of your entity.
The Benefits of Limited Liability Corporations
The Limited Liability Corporation is an alternative product offered to corporations and partnerships. It is a popular wealth planning tool known for its asset protection advantages. It offers its members or managers limited liability separate and apart from the company’s operations.
Expertise in BCCAR and Legal Support
Our firm is also experienced with the BCCAR system and has immediate and preferential access to a connected registered agent. Our firm can also assist with obtaining the necessary information before filing a civil suit against an existing entity.
Understanding the Companies Act 2022
The Companies Act 2022 provides for the formation of limited liability companies. Local companies may carry out unlimited activities provided that the objects in its memorandum of association are drawn sufficiently wide to encompass an array of services. These companies, unlike International Business Companies (IBCs) are free to carry on business locally in Belize and Belize residents are free to own shares.
Required Information for Corporation Formation
In order for us to form your corporation we require the following information:
- Name of Corporation;
- Secondary Name (if the above name is not accepted);
- Address of Company (we may provide you with an address if required);
- Type of Service
- List of Directors – Names and Addresses (at least 2 names must be provided)
- List of Shareholder – Name and Addresses
- Distribution of Shares amongst Shareholders;
- Company Officers e.g. Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, General Manager
- Subscribers (this will be provided)
Annual Returns and Registered Agent Services
All local companies must file annual returns in the prescribed forms which set out the basic details of the directorships and shareholdings every year. As the registered agent of your company we are able to provide this service to you. Please feel free to contact us regarding information regarding this service and our fees.
We also provide all services required of a registered agent which includes filing annual returns for companies, providing certificates of incumbencies and accepting service of documents.
Additional Entity Formation Services
We also assist in the formation of:
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Businesses
- Churches
Comprehensive Contract Drafting and Legal Advice
Further we can draft contracts to suit every situation and duly advise clients of the ramifications of any terms and conditions.
Private Acquisitions and Mergers
Private acquisitions can be by way of an asset purchase or a share purchase. An asset purchase is where a purchaser seeks to acquire only the assets such as the equipment, intellectual property, contracts etc. for operating the business. Our due diligence would entail ensuring that the assets are held free and clear of any charges, liens or third party rights. On the other hand, share purchase is the acquisition of the business by way of the controlling shares. In this instance, the purchaser acquires the company as a going concern and as such all assets and liabilities will remain with the company after the purchase. The due diligence would entail ensuring that the company is in good standing and that it has paid all taxes and maintains all licenses to operate the business. It is also important to ascertain whether there are any pending or threatened legal proceedings against the company.
We also procure licenses & Permits for businesses:
- Trade License
- General Sales Tax Registration;
- Business Tax Registration;
- Central Bank Permit for Foreign Ownership of a Belize Company
Employment Law
We guide both employer and employee through a wide-range of employment related issues, such as:
- Severance Pay and Benefits
- Pension and Benefits
- Employment contracts
- Dismissal and Termination
- Harassment
- Health and Safety
- Salaries and Wages
- Right to Work